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How to Store Silver from Tarnishing ?

When it comes to preserving your silver jewelry, the most important aim is to keep it from tarnishing.

Here are some recommendations for storing silver to keep it from tarnishing.

1. Keep your jewelry in a cool, dry place.

When it comes to jewelry storage, keeping your jewelry in a cool, dry place is standard practice. Storing your silver jewelry in a dark and dry section of the house, such as a cabinet, drawer, or even a room with little light, will keep it not only out of the sun, but also away from damp and prying eyes. Ideally, you should also store your silver in a closeable #jewellery box.

2. Keep your silver jewelry away from perfume and other beauty products.

Many individuals choose to keep their jewelry on their dressing tables or in their closets, which is just acceptable. People like to keep typical beauty supplies such as cosmetics, deodorant, hairspray, and perfume on their dressing tables and in their wardrobes. Because of the chemicals in these products, they might be harmful to your jewelry. For the same reason, avoid using these cosmetics on your skin while wearing jewelry.

3. Make use of chalk

Another jewelry storage trick that is quite successful is chalk. Everyone knows that chalk is extremely dry and absorbent, making it ideal for absorbing moisture. As a result, consider putting a couple pieces of chalk in your jewelry box or wherever you keep your collection.

4. Make Use Of A Tiered Storage System

When learning how to store silver jewelry to prevent tarnish, a basic tip is to keep it away from other metals in your collection.

Sterling silver care is quite simple if you follow our recommendations! These techniques can help to extend the life (and beauty) of your sterling silver earrings, necklaces, and rings for many years to come!

Check out our stunning and timeless selections today!